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New paintings - in progress

Working on - Grevillea robusta for submission to Sydney Botanic Garden Florilegium Society exhibition in 2025.

Painting for Worldwide Botanical Art exhibition with the Dutch Society Botanical Art.

Cards available from ZintenZ, Netherlands

A new range of sustainable organic greeting cards by ZintenZ in Holland.

Spotlight on Botanical Artists

Featured as 1 of 4 artists by the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, Australia highlighting the career of four amazing botanical artists that feature in the Florilegium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney and the Margaret Flockton Award:

Youtube 14 November    -

2022 Annie Patterson was awarded the Diane Bouchier Artist Award for Excellence in Botanical Art 2022 by the ASBA (American Society Botanical Artists)

Berkheya cirsiifolia.jpeg

Berkheya cirsiifolia - Watercolor on paper

Image ize 560H x 400W

      See recent paintings page - work in progress - contact me for a current list of available paintings      

© All images are subject to copyright 2023
  • @botanicalannie
  • botanicalannie
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